AG Meetings
GAVO is also present at all meetings of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (AG). Since the Würzburg 2007 meeting, we have been present with booths informing the participants about the VO in general and GAVO's work in particular. Since the 2008 joint AG-JENAM meeting, also we regularly organize splinter meetings on topics related to the Virtual Observatory and e-science.
Previous AG Meetings
Berlin 2023
In Berlin, our booth was privileged enough to inaugurate a new exhibition space right next to the entrance to the foyer of the main building of the TU Berlin:

After many years of commendable Puzzler solutions from Marburg, our prize – a towel with a JWST image on it – finally went there, too.
For course, we contributed to the splinter meeting on e-science and the Virtual Observatory, too.
Bremen 2022

After two years of Covid hiatus with little more than an emergency programme, we were back at the 2022 Bremen AG Tagung. As before the pandemic, we had a splinter meeting, a booth, and our Puzzler (Hints, Solution). We tried to accomodate remote participation – the meeting was announced as hybrid, after all –, but as the photo shows, the puzzler winner was among the people attending in person.
Virtual 2021
In 2021, the AG Meeting again was virtual. We still co-hosted the customary splinter meeting on e-science and the VO.
Stuttgart 2019
Virtual 2020
Due to Covid-19, the AG Meeting in 2020 happened online rather than in Berlin. Unfazed, we co-organised a splinter meeting on e-science and the VO.
Stuttgart 2019

At the Stuttgart AG meeting, we were back with a splinter – also covering the new NFDI plans for building a comprehensive data infrastructure for research data in Germany. And of course there was a Puzzler again at our booth. The Grand Prize (you can see it in the picture above) went to Barcelona this year.
Vienna 2018
In 2018, the AG meeting was skipped because of the IAU general assembly in Vienna in that year. While we figured there was already enough programme there and thus didn't have an e-science splinter, but there was a booth with GAVO participation. We shared it with our colleagues from other VO projects and even ADS.
Göttingen 2017

In Göttingen, our booth was situated somewhat off the beaten path, so it was not easy to attract large crowds. Still we had quite a few solutions for our Puzzler (Hints), perhaps because we handed out VR goggles (well, the cardboard cases for smartphones, but that's almost as good theses days) to the first 10 participants.
And of course we, again, had quite a few interesting talks at our splinter meeting.
Bochum 2016
In Bochum, we had a splinter meeting over four slots (Program). Of course, we had a puzzler again, and we gave hints on how to solve it during the coffee breaks on Wednesday and Thursday; you will find them at the top of our solution .

Kiel 2015
At the AG Meeting in Kiel we had a splinter meeting with several talks covering the range of e-science in astronomy (Program).

2015's puzzler was about getting a cosy blanket which went to a smart winner from Potsdam. In case you get stuck with this one (some people felt it to was rather tough), here are three of our solutions.
We offered a VO-tool tutorial session to introduce use VO tool use cases to the community.
Bamberg 2014
Splinter meeting: Program and Slides
In Bamberg, our booth was a bit off the beaten track, but we had ample space for our tutorials:

A new feature of our AG contribution was the puzzler. Participants entered a raffle for a real astronomy pillow. Here's the lucky winner as she receives the prize:

In case you tried your hand on the puzzler, here are our proposed solutions.
In Bamberg we also had a splinter meeting again, with a program ranging from handling ancient photo plates to modern software tools to tomorrow's data analysis techniques: Program.
Tübingen 2013
VO Tutorials and Splinter meeting: Program

Hamburg 2012
Splinter meeting: Program
At our booth we handed out ADQLReference cards, all fancy and laminated. This is what our booth looked like:

Heidelberg 2011
Splinter meeting: Call for Papers, Program with slides
In Heidelberg, we also offered short courses on various VO techniques: Website for the short courses
Our booth: (it seems we completely forgot about documenting our presence).
Bonn 2010
Splinter meeting: Call for Papers, Program. Some of the talks' slides can be found on Documents page.
Our booth in Bonn:

Potsdam 2009
In Potsdam, Alex Szalay gave a VO-oriented plenary talk arguing on "Science with Petabytes".
Potsdam was the first AG conference sporting a splinter meeting on the VO and e-science: Call for Papers, Program with abstracts. Some of the talks' slides can be found on Documents page.
Our booth in Potsdam:

Vienna 2008 (with JENAM)
At JENAM 2008, we shared a booth with the EuroVO, and we had a special trick to distribute our flyers:

Würzburg 2007
This was the first AG meeting with a GAVO contribution. In Würzburg, we only had a booth: