GAVO Publications
For Publications using the MultiDark/CosmoSim database, see:MultiDark/CosmoSim references.
The GAVO Millennium database service is being referred to in many of the "Millennium" publications.
Useful resources
ADQL Reference Card
Demleitner, M., Riebe, K.; An A4 card with useful expressions and examples for ADQL
ADQL Hands-on Course
Demleitner, M.; A short course on ADQL
GAVO Tutorials
Castro-Neves, M., Demleitner, M., Fohlmeister, J., Riebe, K., Rothmaier,
F.; Collection of (mini)-tutorials created by various GAVO members
- , 2025.
- Global dataset discovery in the Virtual Observatory. Talk given only at the PUNCHLunch on 2025-02-20.
- , 2025.
- Beste Daten für alle: Das Virtuelle Observatorium. Talk given at AK Astronomie der Universität Stuttgart, 2025-01-08 (in German).
- , 2025.
- VOTable Format Definition Version 1.5. IVOA Recommendation 16 January 2025.
- , 2024.
- Resource-aware research on Universe and Matter: call-to-action in digital transformation. European Physical Journal Special Topics, eprint 2311.01169.
- , 2024.
- Declarative data publication with DaCHS. Invited talk given at the ADASS XXXIV, Malta, 2024-11-12.
- , 2024.
- VO at the limit: Writing a client for global TAP queries. Talk given at the IVOA Fall Interop, Malta, 2024-11-15.
- , 2024.
- Persistent TAP uploads: A prototype in DaCHS. Talk given at the IVOA Fall Interop, Malta, 2024-11-15.
- , 2024.
- Bibliographic interfaces in the Virtual Observatory. Talk given at the IVOA Fall Interop, Malta, 2024-11-15.
- , 2024.
- What's new in VOResource 1.2?. Talk given at the IVOA Fall Interop, Malta, 2024-11-15.
- , 2024.
- Writing a registry record that people will find. Talk given at the IVOA Fall Interop, Malta, 2024-11-15.
- , 2024.
- A mini-survey of TAP error messages. Talk given at the IVOA Fall Interop, Malta, 2024-11-15.
- , 2024.
- VODataService: A VOResource schema extension for describing collections and services. IVOA Working Draft 13 November 2024.
- , 2024.
- UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.6. IVOA Proposed Endorsed Note 16 November 2024.
- , 2024.
- IVOA Architecture Version 2.1. IVOA Endorsed Note 14 November 2024.
- , 2024.
- Catalogue of ADQL User Defined Functions Version 1.2. IVOA Endorsed Note 07 November 2024.
- , 2024.
- IVOA Registry Relational Schema Version 1.2. IVOA Recommendation 02 October 2024.
- , 2024.
- VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata Version 1.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 15 August 2024.
- , 2024.
- Database of Candidate Targets for the LIFE Mission. Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society, 8 no. 10 pp. 267, eprint 2410.23892.
- , 2024.
- Global dataset discovery in pyVO. Talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft Köln, 2024-09-12.
- , 2024.
- A short course on ADQL. Lecture notes for a course given at Universität Heidelberg, summer semester 2024.
- , 2024.
- A short course on PyVO. Lecture notes for a course given at Universität Heidelberg, summer semester 2024.
- , 2024.
- Using the virtual observatory. Lecture notes for a course given at Universität Heidelberg, summer semester 2024.
- , 2024.
- TableReg: Registering TAP-queriable tables conforming to standard schemas. IVOA Note 21 August 2024.
- , 2024.
- ADQL PEG grammar. Talk given at the IVOA Sydney Interop, 2024-05-21.
- , 2024.
- productTypeServed in VODataService. Talk given at the IVOA Sydney Interop, 2024-05-21.
- , 2024.
- Supporting FAIR Principles in the Astrophysics Community: the European Experience. In Hugo, B. V., Van Rooyen, R., and Smirnov, O. M., editors, Astromical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI, volume 535 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 311.
- , 2024.
- Vocabularies in the Virtual Observatory. Talk given at the NFDI4Earth Terminologies Workshop, Dresden, 2024-05-22.
- , 2024.
- Bibliographic interfaces in the Virtual Observatory version 1.0. IVOA Note 14 February 2024.
- , 2024.
- Votable format definition version 1.5. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 13 February 2024.
- , 2024.
- VO data discovery with pyVO. Talk given at Hauskolloquium, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, Jan 11, 2024.
- , 2024.
- Data origin in the VO version 1.1. IVOA Note 22 January 2024.
- , 2024.
- IVOA registry relational schema version 1.2. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 24 January 2024.
Bibliogaphy for 2023 in BibTeX
- , 2023.
- IVOA DataLink Version 1.1. IVOA Recommendation 15 December 2023.
- , 2023.
- Units in the VO Version 1.1. IVOA Recommendation 15 December 2023.
- , 2023.
- Astronomical Data Query Language Version 2.1. IVOA Recommendation 15 December 2023.
- , 2023.
- Using wikidata for an observation facility vocabulary version 1.0. IVOA Note 15 November 2023.
- , 2023.
- All your shapes in ADQL: MOCs in the TAP ecosystem. Poster presented at ADASS XXXIII, Tucson, AZ, November 2023.
- , 2023.
- The harvest trigger service. Talk given at the November 2023 IVOA Interop, Tucson, AZ.
- , 2023.
- New user defined functions for ADQL. Talk given at the November 2023 IVOA Interop, Tucson, AZ.
- , 2023.
- Hierarchical DALI examples in TOPCAT and pyVO. Talk given at the November 2023 IVOA Interop, Tucson, AZ.
- , 2023.
- Global image discovery in pyvo. Talk given at the November 2023 IVOA Interop, Tucson, AZ.
- , 2023.
- Votable format definition version 1.5. IVOA Working Draft 20 November 2023.
- , 2023.
- PEG-ify ADQL. Poster presented at ADASS XXXIII, Tucson, AZ, November 2023.
- , 2023.
- Discover your astronomical data from python – simply!. Poster presented at ADASS XXXIII, Tucson, AZ, November 2023.
- , 2023.
- Resource-aware Research on Universe and Matter: Call-to-Action in Digital Transformation. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2311.01169, eprint 2311.01169.
- , 2023.
- Catalogue of ADQL User Defined Functions Version 1.1. IVOA Endorsed Note 17 November 2023.
- , 2023.
- Federated infrastructures in research on universe and matter: State of play. DIG-UM report, Oct 16, 2023.
- , 2023.
- Vectors for ADQL. Talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, Sept 14, 2023.
- , 2023.
- StandardsRegExt: a VOResource schema extension for describing IVOA standards. IVOA Working Draft 21 September 2023.
- , 2023.
- The product-type vocabulary during datalink RFC. Talk given at the May 2023 IVOA Interop in Bologna.
- , 2023.
- Confessions of a registry janitor. Talk given at the May 2023 IVOA Interop in Bologna.
- , 2023.
- VOResource-1.2 – new features. Talk given at the May 2023 IVOA Interop in Bologna.
- , 2023.
- DOIs for everyone in the VO: VOiDOI. Talk given at the May 2023 IVOA Interop in Bologna.
- , 2023.
- Linked data in VOTables. Talk given at the May 2023 IVOA Interop in Bologna.
- , 2023.
- Units in the VO. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 02 May 2023.
- , 2023.
- The IvoaTeX document preparation system version 1.4. IVOA Note, 28 June 2023.
- , 2023.
- Astronomical data query language version 2.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 18 April 2023.
- , 2023.
- Educational resources in the virtual observatory. IVOA Working Draft 26 April 2023.
- , 2023.
- IVOA DataLink version 1.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 13 April 2023.
- , 2023.
- LineTAP: IVOA relational model for spectral lines. IVOA Working Draft 23 March 2023.
- , 2023.
- Vocabularies in the VO Version 2.1. IVOA Recommendation 06 February 2023.
- , 2023.
- VOResource: an XML encoding schema for resource metadata version 1.2. IVOA Working Draft 05 January 2023.
- , 2023.
- UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5 Version 1.5. IVOA Endorsed Note 25 January 2023.
Bibliogaphy for 2022 in BibTeX
- , 2022.
- Survey of Open Data Concepts Within Fundamental Physics: An Initiative of the PUNCH4NFDI Consortium. Computing and Software for Big Science, 6 no. 1 pp. 6.
- , 2022.
- FITS headers for scans of photographic plates. IVOA Note, 17 Nov 2022.
- , 2022.
- HEALpix, MOC, and ADQL. Talk given at Hauskolloquium, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg, Oct 27, 2022.
- , 2022.
- StandardsRegExt, Endorsed Notes, and why we should bother. Talk given at the October 2022 virtual Interop, 2022-10-19.
- , 2022.
- A new Registry API for pyVO. Talk given at the October 2022 virtual Interop, 2022-10-19.
- , 2022.
- ADQL astrometry library: Status update. Talk given at the October 2022 virtual Interop, 2022-10-18.
- , 2022.
- VOUnits 1.1: Proposed recommendation. Talk given at the October 2022 virtual Interop, 2022-10-20.
- , 2022.
- A proposal for vector math in ADQL. Talk given at the October 2022 virtual Interop, 2022-10-18.
- , 2022.
- UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.5. IVOA Proposed Endorsed Note 05 October 2022.
- , 2022.
- A new registry API for pyVO. Talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Bremen, Sept 15, 2022.
- , 2022.
- The virtual observatory. Talk given at Data Hour, Universität Heidelberg, Sept 20, 2022.
- , 2022.
- Vocabularies in the VO, version 2.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 01 August 2022.
- , 2022.
- EPN-TAP: Publishing Solar System Data to the Virtual Observatory Version 2.0. IVOA Recommendation 22 August 2022.
- , 2022.
- Adopting the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary Version 1.0. IVOA Endorsed Note 22 July 2022.
- , 2022.
- Spreading the Word - Current Status of VO Tutorials and Schools. In Ruiz, J. E., Pierfedereci, F., and Teuben, P., editors, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, volume 532 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 439.
- , 2022.
- Gatewaying metadata. Talk given at International Data Week 2022, Seoul, 2022-06-21.
- , 2022.
- VOUnits: Astronomy units in the IVOA. In CODATA SciDataCon-IDW Seoul 2022: Session `Digital Unit Representation Systems and their Use in Infrastructure', Seoul, South Korea, 2022. CODATA.
- , 2022.
- Astrophysical parameters from Gaia DR2, 2MASS, and AllWISE. A&A, 662 pp. A125, eprint 2201.03252.
- , 2022.
- Units in the VO version 1.1. IVOA Working Draft 25 May 2022.
- , 2022.
- The IvoaTeX document preparation system version 1.3. IVOA Note, 25 May 2022.
- , 2022.
- IVOA registry relational schema, version 1.2. IVOA Working Draft 19 May 2022.
- , 2022.
- LineTAP. a proposal for a relational model for spectral lines. Talk given at the April 2022 virtual Interop.
- , 2022.
- Virtual observatory workflows. Talk given at PUNCHLunch, 2022-04-21.
- , 2022.
- An ADQL astrometry library. Talk given at the April 2022 virtual Interop.
- , 2022.
- Requirements and validators. Talk given at the April 2022 virtual Interop.
- , 2022.
- Getting COOSYS ready for 2025. Talk given at the April 2022 virtual Interop.
- , 2022.
- New tooling for vocabulary maintenance. Talk given at the April 2022 virtual Interop.
- , 2022.
- RegTAP 1.2. Talk given at the April 2022 virtual Interop.
- , 2022.
- Practical interoperability in the virtual observatory. In Heuveline, V. and Bisheh, N., editors, Proceedings of e-Science Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data, pages 36-43.
- , 2022.
- B2FIND – searching for research data across disciplines. In Heuveline, V. and Bisheh, N., editors, Proceedings of e-Science Tage 2021: Share Your Research Data, pages 196-207.
- , 2022.
- Prediction of Astrometric-microlensing Events from Gaia eDR3 Proper Motions. AJ, 163 no. 4 pp. 176, eprint 2112.12152.
- , 2022.
- Describing Simple Data Access Services Version 1.2. IVOA Recommendation 22 February 2022.
- , 2022.
- A classifier for spurious astrometric solutions in Gaia eDR3. MNRAS, 510 no. 2 pp. 2597-2616, eprint 2101.11641.
Bibliogaphy for 2021 in BibTeX
- , 2021.
- Prediction of Astrometric-Microlensing Events from Gaia eDR3 Proper Motions. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2112.12152, eprint 2112.12152.
- , 2021.
- Availability after caproles. Talk given at the November 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Blind discovery and semantics for resource discovery with WIRR. Talk given at the November 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Re-starting product-type in SKOS. Talk given at the November 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Object types as an IVOA vocabulary. Talk given at the November 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- VODataService: A VOResource Schema Extension for Describing Collections, Services Version 1.2. IVOA Recommendation 02 November 2021.
- , 2021.
- Supporting FAIR Principles in the Astrophysics Community: the European Experience. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2111.14468, eprint 2111.14468.
- , 2021.
- Blind discovery in the VO. Talk given at Tagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Sep. 17, 2021.
- , 2021.
- Observation Locator Table Access Protocol Version 1.0. IVOA Recommendation 24 July 2021.
- , 2021.
- UCD1+ controlled vocabulary - Updated List of Terms Version 1.4. IVOA Endorsed Note 16 June 2021.
- , 2021.
- Planetary Data in the Virtual Observatory: VESPA (Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access). In 5th Planetary Data Workshop & Planetary Science Informatics & Analytics, volume 2549 of LPI Contributions, page 7073.
- , 2021.
- Use your vocabularies!. Talk given at the May 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Making product-type a vocabulary. Talk given at the May 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Datalink in the browser. Talk given at the May 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Advanced column metadata. Talk given at the May 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- RegTAP after VODataService 1.2. Talk given at the May 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Operational identification of software components. Talk given at the May 2021 virtual Interop.
- , 2021.
- Towards blind discovery 2: Advanced column statistics. IVOA Note, 29 April 2021.
- , 2021.
- Practical interoperability in the VO. Talk given at the e-science-Tage 2021, Heidelberg, 5.3.2021.
- , 2021.
- Searching for research data across disciplines. Talk given at the e-science-Tage 2021, Heidelberg, 5.3.2021.
- , 2021.
- Estimating Distances from Parallaxes. V. Geometric and Photogeometric Distances to 1.47 Billion Stars in Gaia Early Data Release 3. AJ, 161 no. 3 pp. 147, eprint 2012.05220.
- , 2021.
- Catalogue of ADQL User Defined Functions Version 1.0. IVOA Endorsed Note 10 March 2021.
- , 2021.
- VODataService: A VOResource schema extension for describing collections and services version 1.2. IVOA Proposed Recommendation, 2021-02-23.
- , 2021.
- Vocabularies in the VO version 2.0. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 2021-01-14.
- , 2021.
- Characterizing the Gaia radial velocity sample selection function in its native photometry. MNRAS, 500 no. 1 pp. 397-409, eprint 2008.09096.
Bibliogaphy for 2020 in BibTeX
- , 2020.
- The uat in the vo. Talk given at the Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Webinar, December 8, 2020.
- , 2020.
- Describing simple data access services version 1.2. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 16 December 2020.
- , 2020.
- Vocabularies 2 and DAL. Talk given at the November 2020 virtual Interop.
- , 2020.
- Data model posture review. Talk given at the November 2020 virtual Interop.
- , 2020.
- pgSphere: MOCs and maintenance. Talk given at the November 2020 virtual Interop.
- , 2020.
- Vocabularies in the VO 2: Implementations and applications. Talk given at the November 2020 virtual Interop.
- , 2020.
- LineTAP – a proposal for a relational model for spectral lines. Talk given at the November 2020 virtual Interop.
- , 2020.
- Adopting the UAT as an IVOA vocabulary. IVOA Proposed Endorsed Note, 17 November 2020.
- , 2020.
- EPN-TAP and EPNCore v2.0. Talk given at the November 2020 virtual Interop.
- , 2020.
- Observation locator table access protocol version 1.0. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 07 October 2020.
- , 2020.
- EPN-TAP: Publishing solar system data to the virtual observatory version 2.0. IVOA Working Draft 27 October 2020.
- , 2020.
- Characterizing the Gaia radial velocity sample selection function in its native photometry. MNRAS, 500 no. 1 pp. 397-409, eprint 2008.09096.
- , 2020.
- Catalogue of ADQL user defined functions version 1.0. IVOA Proposed Endorsed Note 06 August 2020.
- , 2020.
- Space-Time Coverage in the VO Registry. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:2007.07519, eprint 2007.07519.
- , 2020.
- A Gaia Early DR3 Mock Stellar Catalog: Galactic Prior and Selection Function. PASP, 132 no. 1013 pp. 074501, eprint 2004.09991.
- , 2020.
- Gavo dachs tutorial. Online Software Documentation.
- , 2020.
- MOCs, EPN-TAP, and DaCHS. Talk given at VESPA online workshop, May 29, 2020.
- , 2020.
- Stellar laboratories. X. New Cu IV-VII oscillator strengths and the first detection of copper and indium in hot white dwarfs. A&A, 637 pp. A4, eprint 2004.01633.
- , 2020.
- Time series: Annotation of light curves in VOTable. IVOA Note, 29 April 2020.
- , 2020.
- Describing simple data access services version 1.2. IVOA Working Draft 2020-04-24.
- , 2020.
- Datalink in PyVO. In Ballester, P., Ibsen, J., Solar, M., and Shortridge, K., editors, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII, volume 522 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 295.
- , 2020.
- IVOA Provenance Data Model Version 1.0. IVOA Recommendation 11 April 2020.
- , 2020.
- Vocabularies in the VO version 2.0. IVOA Working Draft 2020-03-26.
- , 2020.
- Practical interoperability in the Virtual Observatory. Poster presented at the 2020 meeting of RDA-de, Potsdam, February 25–27, 2020.
- , 2020.
- Vocabularies: Lessons learned. Talk given at the 1st ESCAPE Tech Forum, Strasbourg, February 5, 2020.
Bibliogaphy for 2019 in BibTeX
- , 2019.
- Interoperable authentication: Lessons learned from pyVO's TAP client. Talk given at the Autumn 2019 IVOA Interop, Groningen, October 11–13, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Operational identification of server software. Talk given at the Autumn 2019 IVOA Interop, Groningen, October 11–13, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Vocabularies in the VO 2. Talk given at the Autumn 2019 IVOA Interop, Groningen, October 11–13, 2019.
- , 2019.
- STC metadata and discoverable data collections: State of play. Talk given at the Autumn 2019 IVOA Interop, Groningen, October 11–13, 2019.
- , 2019.
- SimpleDalRegExt status. Talk given at the Autumn 2019 IVOA Interop, Groningen, October 11–13, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Space-time coverage in the virtual observatory registry. Poster presented at ADASS XXIX, Groningen, October 6–10, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Catalogue of adql user defined functions. IVOA Proposed Endorsed Note 25 September 2019.
- , 2019.
- TAP cross-server queries. Talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Stuttgart, September 16-20, 2017.
- , 2019.
- Vocabularies in the VO version 2.0. IVOA Working Draft 2019-09-05.
- , 2019.
- VODataService: A VOResource schema extension for describing collections and services version 1.2. IVOA Proposed Recommendation, 15 July 2019.
- , 2019.
- Outlier analysis in low-resolution spectra: DFBS and beyond. ArVO/GAVO Tutorial.
- , 2019.
- Caproles: What is a capability?. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- VODataService 1.2 towards RFC. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Discovering data collections: State of play. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- VOTable 1.4: TIMESYS and TOPOCENTER-derived refpositions. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- A tutorial involving Aladin data discovery. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- The registry perspective on authentication. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Towards an update of the IVOA recommendation on vocabularies in the VO. Talk given at the Spring 2019 IVOA Interop, Paris, May 13–17, 2019.
- , 2019.
- Discovering Data Collections Within Services Version 1.1. Demleitner, M., editor. IVOA Endorsed Note 20 May 2019.
- , 2019.
- VOTable format definition version 1.4. IVOA Working Draft, 03 April 2019.
- , 2019.
- Table access protocol version 1.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 20 April 2019.
- , 2019.
- On the use of capabilities in the VO. IVOA Note, 15 March 2019.
- , 2019.
- Plate scans in the VO. GAVO Tutorial.
- , 2019.
- TIMESYS state of play. Talk given at fifth Asterics Tech Forum, Feb 26 – 28, 2019, Strasbourg, France.
- , 2019.
- VOSI, A&A, and the real world. Talk given at Asterics Workshop on Authentication and Authorization, Jan 29 – 30, 2019, Trieste, Italy.
- , 2019.
- TAP Support in PyVO. volume 521 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 483.
- , 2019.
- MASER: A Toolbox for Low Frequency Radio Astronomy. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:1902.00300, eprint 1902.00300.
- , 2019.
- DaCHS: Data Center Helper Suite, release 1.4. Software package, eprint 1804.005.
- , 2019.
- IVOA Registry Relational Schema Version 1.1. IVOA Recommendation 11 October 2019.
- , 2019.
- Bridging the Gap Between Geographical Information Systems and Planetary Virtual Observatory. Earth and Space Science, 6 no. 3 pp. 515-526.
- , 2019.
- Integrating the VO Framework in the EOSC. arXiv e-prints, page arXiv:1911.08205, eprint 1911.08205.
- , 2019.
- VOTable Format Definition Version 1.4. IVOA Recommendation 21 October 2019.
- , 2019.
- All of the Sky: HEALPix Density Maps of Gaia-scale Datasets from the Database to the Desktop. volume 521 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 410.
Bibliogaphy for 2018 in BibTeX
- , 2017.
- K2C9 VST time series browser interface. VO resource provided by the GAVO Data Center.
- , 2018.
- A proposal for a TIMESYS element in VOTable, version 1.1. IVOA Note, 12 December 2018.
- , 2018.
- Prediction of astrometric microlensing events from Gaia DR2 proper motions. A&A, 620 pp. A175, eprint 1807.11077.
- , 2018.
- Recent features implemented in PyVO. Talk given at the Fall 2018 IVOA Interop, College Park, Nov 08 – Nov 10, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Provenance model status. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability meeting, College Park, 08th-10th november 2018.
- , 2018.
- TAP-1.1 authentication in TOPCAT/STILTS. Talk given at the Fall 2018 IVOA Interop, College Park, Nov 08 – Nov 10, 2018.
- , 2018.
- HTTPS in the VO. Talk given at the Fall 2018 IVOA Interop, College Park, Nov 08 – Nov 10, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Progress towards a VODataService 1.2 WD. Talk given at the Fall 2018 IVOA Interop, College Park, Nov 08 – Nov 10, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Provenance model discussion. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability meeting, College Park, 08th-10th november 2018.
- , 2018.
- The muse-wide survey: Survey description and first data release. PASP, eprint 1811.06549.
- , 2018.
- IVOA provenance data model, version 1.0. IVOA Proposed Recommendation 19 October 2018.
- , 2018.
- VODataService: A VOResource schema extension for describing collections and services version 1.2. IVOA Working Draft, 26 October 2018.
- , 2018.
- VO-DML: a consistent modeling language for IVOA data models Version 1.0. IVOA Recommendation 10 September 2018.
- , 2018.
- The ivoatex document preparation system version 1.2. IVOA Note, 14 August 2018.
- , 2018.
- VO text treasures VOTT. VO service ivo://org.gavo.dc/vott/q/list.
- , 2018.
- IVOA registry relational schema version 1.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2018.
- Provenance for astrophysical data. Poster accepted and talk given at the ProvenanceWeek 2018, London, Jul 9 - Jul 13, 2018.
- , 2018.
- MASER: a toolbox for low frequency radio astronomy. In 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, volume 42 of COSPAR Meeting, pages S.2-10-18.
- , 2018.
- VOResource and DataCite: Converging Metadata Schemes. In European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, volume 186 of European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, page 10001.
- , 2018.
- Registry Interfaces Version 1.1. Dower, T. and Demleitner, M., editors. IVOA Recommendation 23 July 2018.
- , 2018.
- Ongoing astrometric microlensing events of two nearby stars. A&A, 615 pp. L11, eprint 1805.08023.
- , 2018.
- A Gaia DR2 Mock Stellar Catalog. PASP, 130 no. 7 pp. 074101, eprint 1804.01427.
- , 2018.
- Daiquiri – an VO-ready solution for medium-size data providers. Talk given at the Asterics European Data Provider Forum and Training Event 2018 , Heidelberg, Jun 27 – Jun 28, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Provenance from the data provider view - constructing provenance information for the applause. Talk given at the Asterics European Data Provider Forum and Training Event 2018 , Heidelberg, Jun 27 – Jun 28, 2018.
- , 2018.
- VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata Version 1.1. Plante, R. and Demleitner, M., editors. IVOA Recommendation 25 June 2018.
- , 2018.
- Ivoa provenance data model. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability meeting, Victoria, 27th may - 1st june 2018.
- , 2018.
- ADQL 2.1 implementation and critique. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- STC in the Registry. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- VODataService 1.2: from VOSI to DataCollection. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- RegTAP 1.1: Latest news before PR. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- DOIs for registry records: VOiDOI. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Gaia DR2 time series data at GAVO. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Comparing IVOA standard identifiers: A word of caution. Talk given at the Spring 2018 IVOA Interop, Victoria, May 28 – June 1, 2018.
- , 2018.
- XML Schema Versioning Policies Version 1.0. Harrison, P., editor. IVOA Endorsed Note 29 May 2018.
- , 2018.
- Ivoa provenance metadata : Data model and services. Talk given at ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum 4, Edinburgh, 16/17th April 2018.
- , 2018.
- Implementing ADQL 2.1. Talk given at the fourth Asterics Tech Forum, Edinburgh, Apr 16-17, 2018.
- , 2018.
- Enabling STC-based discovery in the registry. Talk given at the fourth Asterics Tech Forum, Edinburgh, Apr 16-17, 2018.
- , 2018.
- MASER: Measuring, Analysing, Simulating low frequency Radio Emissions. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, volume 20 of EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, page 6207.
- , 2018.
- MASER: A Tool Box for Solar System Low Frequency Radio Astronomy. In Planetary Science Informatics and Data Analytics Conference, volume 2082 of LPI Contributions, page 6029.
- , 2018.
- DaCHS: Data Center Helper Suite. Astrophysics Source Code Library, eprint 1804.005.
- , 2018.
- Gaia data release 2: Observational hertzsprung-russell diagrams. A&A 616, A10 (2018), eprint 1804.09378.
- , 2018.
- Stellar parameters for the central star of the planetary nebula PRTM 1 using the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory service TheoSSA. MNRAS, 475 pp. 3896-3908, eprint 1801.01295.
- , 2018.
- Standard protocols, standard tools: Reaping the benefits. Poster presented at the 11th RDA Plenary, Berlin, March 2018.
- , 2018.
- Educational resources in the Virtual Observatory. IVOA Note, 11 April 2018.
- , 2018.
- A roadmap for space-time discovery in the VO registry. IVOA Note, 8 February 2018.
- , 2018.
- BGDS light curves form service. VO resource provided by the GAVO Data Center.
- , 2018.
- Gaia DR2 epoch fluxes. VO resource provided by the GAVO Data Center.
Bibliogaphy for 2017 in BibTeX
- , 2017.
- Register using purx. Talk given at ASTERICS DADI ESFRI Forum and Training Event 2.
- , 2017.
- DaCHS version 1.1. Software and Documentation.
- , 2017.
- IVOA registry relational schema, version 1.1. IVOA Working Draft.
- , 2017.
- VOResource: an XML encoding schema for resource metadata version 1.1. Plante, R. and Demleitner, M., editors. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- ProvDAL – retrieving provenance metadata. Talk given at October 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Santiago de Chile.
- , 2017.
- TAP service discovery. Talk given at October 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Santiago de Chile.
- , 2017.
- ArraySQL as a candidate for advanced SODA. Talk given at October 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Santiago de Chile.
- , 2017.
- VOTable arraysize=1 means what?. Talk given at October 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Santiago de Chile.
- , 2017.
- purx. Talk given at October 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Santiago de Chile.
- , 2017.
- Datalink in pyVO. Poster presented at the ADASS XXVII, Santiago de Chile, October 2017.
- , 2017.
- Stellar laboratories . IX. New Se V, Sr IV-VII, Te VI, and I VI oscillator strengths and the Se, Sr, Te, and I abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289. A&A, 606 pp. A105, eprint 1706.09215.
- , 2017.
- Solar system data in the VO. Talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Göttingen, September 18-22, 2017.
- , 2017.
- Table access protocol version 1.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- VO-DML - a consistent modeling language for IVOA data models version 1.0. Lemson, G. and Laurino, O., editors. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- VOResource and DataCite. Talk given at the Library and Information Systems in Astronomy conference VIII, June 7-9, 2017, Strasbourg.
- , 2017.
- IVOA document standards version 2.0. Genova, F., editor. IVOA Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- IVOA server-side operations for data access version 1.0. Bonnarel, F. and Dowler, P., editors. IVOA Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- Education material: A hands-on course in ADQL. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Keeping SCS up-to-date within DAL landscape. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Implementation of SLAP and VAMDC interfaces in SPLAT-VO. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- STC in the registry. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- VOResource 1.1: A call for implementation. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- RegTAP 1.1. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Publishing time domain data with DACHS. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Recent updates to the education matters note. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Using DaCHS for solar system sciences. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Storing and searching for MOCs in relational databases. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- IVOA provenance metadata: Current status. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Packaging VO applications for Debian. Talk given at May 2017 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Shanghai.
- , 2017.
- Describing simple data access services version 1.1. Plante, R. and Demleitner, M., editors. IVOA Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- IVOA Server-side Operations for Data Access Version 1.0. Fran&231;ois Bonnarel, P. D., editor. IVOA Recommendation 17 May 2017, eprint 1710.08791.
- , 2017.
- Data Access Layer Interface Version 1.1. Dowler, P., editor. IVOA Recommendation 17 May 2017.
- , 2017.
- VOResource: an XML encoding schema for resource metadata version 1.1. Plante, R. and Demleitner, M., editors. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- IVOA registry interfaces version 1.1. Dower, T. and Demleitner, M., editors. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2017.
- Anatomy of an RD. Talk given at the second VESPA implementation workshop, Graz, March 25-31, 2017.
- , 2017.
- RegTAP changes after VOResource 1.1. Talk given at the third Asterics Tech Forum, Strasbourg, March 22-23, 2017.
- , 2017.
- Hot Stuff for One Year (HSOY). A 583 million star proper motion catalogue derived from Gaia DR1 and PPMXL. A&A, 600 pp. L4, eprint 1701.02629.
- , 2017.
- Stellar laboratories . VIII. New Zr iv-vii, Xe iv-v, and Xe vii oscillator strengths and the Al, Zr, and Xe abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289. A&A, 599 pp. A142, eprint 1611.07364.
- , 2017.
- The Virtual Observatory. Talk given at HAP Workshop ``Big Data Science in Astronomy''.
Bibliogaphy for 2016 in BibTeX
- , 2016.
- Stellar laboratories. VIII. New Zr IV - VII, Xe IV - V, and Xe VII oscillator strengths and the Al, Zr, and Xe abundances in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE0503-289. ArXiv e-prints, eprint 1611.07364.
- , 2016.
- All of the Sky: HEALPix Density Maps of Gaia-scale Datasets from the Database to the Desktop. ArXiv e-prints, eprint 1611.09190.
- , 2016.
- A provenance data model for astronomy. Talk given at ADASS XXVI 2016, Trieste, October 19th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- IVOA provenance data model – current status. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability Conference, Trieste, October 21th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- ``What should I reference?''. Talk given at October 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Trieste.
- , 2016.
- Re-usable resources for bridging VOResource and Datacite. Talk given at October 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Trieste.
- , 2016.
- Voresource 1.1: Topcis till PR. Talk given at October 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Trieste.
- , 2016.
- Vocabularies in VOResource. Talk given at October 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Trieste.
- , 2016.
- pyVO now does TAP!. Poster presented at the ADASS XXVI, Trieste, October 2016.
- , 2016.
- CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. IV. Third public data release. A&A, 594 pp. A36, eprint 1604.02289.
- , 2016.
- Introduction to simulation databases with ADQL and TOPCAT. GAVO Webpage.
- , 2016.
- VOResource: an XML encoding schema for resource metadata, version 1.1. IVOA Working Draft.
- , 2016.
- Describing simple data access services, version 1.1. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2016.
- Data publication at AIP. Talk given at ASTERICS European Data Provider Forum, Heidelberg, June 15th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- How to register your data. Talk given at First ASTERICS European Data Provider Forum, Heidelberg, June 15th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- Gaia as an opportunity of VO education. Talk presented in the EduIG session at Interop, Stellenboch, May 15, 2016.
- , 2016.
- VO days - keeping up a tradition. Talk presented in the EduIG session at Interop, Stellenboch, May 15, 2016.
- , 2016.
- UWS validation. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town, May 9th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- uws-client - a command line tool for uws services. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town, May 11th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- Provenance data model – introduction. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town, May 12th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- Provenance data model – RAVE use case. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town, May 12th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- A teacher workshop on data from cosmological simulations. Talk given at IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town, May 12th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- Educational resources curation. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- DALI examples endpoints. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- Identifiers validation. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- Managing managedAuthorites. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- Operations at Heidelberg. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- SimpleDALRegExt 1.1. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- A sample SODA workflow. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- VOResource 1.1. Talk given at May 2016 IVOA Interoperability Conference, Cape Town.
- , 2016.
- IVOA Identifiers Version 2.0. ArXiv e-prints, eprint 1605.07501.
- , 2016.
- Stellar laboratories. VII. New Kr IV - VII oscillator strengths and an improved spectral analysis of the hot, hydrogen-deficient DO-type white dwarf. A&A, 590 pp. A128, eprint 1603.00701.
- , 2016.
- IVOATeX version 1.1. Software.
- , 2016.
- Server-side operations for data access, version 1.0. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2016.
- Provenance – rave use case. Talk at Provenance Workshop in Paris, April 14th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- The IVOATeX document preparation system version 1.1. IVOA Note.
- , 2016.
- Data access layer interface version 1.1. IVOA Working Draft.
- , 2016.
- Registry interfaces version 1.1. IVOA Working Draft.
- , 2016.
- DaCHS version 0.9.6. Software and Documentation.
- , 2016.
- SODA. what's all the fuss about on the DAL list?. Talk given at Second ASTERICS Tech Forum, Edinburgh, March 8th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- Recent registry developments. Talk given at Second ASTERICS Tech Forum, Edinburgh, March 8th, 2016.
- , 2016.
- Stellar laboratories. VI. New Mo iv-vii oscillator strengths and the molybdenum abundance in the hot white dwarfs G191-B2B and RE 0503-289. A&A, 587 pp. A39, eprint 1512.07525.
- , 2016.
- Explore the Pleiades with TOPCAT and Aladin. Online Tutorial.
- , 2016.
- Discovering data collections within services. IVOA Note.
- , 2016.
- Max Wolf's Discovery of Near-Earth Asteroid 887 Alinda. In Proceedings of AAS Meeting 227, volume 227 of American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, page 114.03.
Bibliogaphy for 2015 in BibTeX
- , 2015.
- IVOA server-side operations for data access. IVOA Working Draft.
- , 2015.
- Datalink your complex datasets. Talk given at December 2015 Asterics ESFRI Forum and Training Event.
- , 2015.
- IVOA registry for data providers. Talk given at December 2015 Asterics ESFRI Forum and Training Event.
- , 2015.
- TAPRegExt: A VOResource schema extension for describing TAP services version 1.1. IVOA Working Draft.
- , 2015.
- Datalink and XSLT. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- Datalink vocabulary revisited. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- DNS-based failover. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- DOIs and the registry. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- GloTS? AuxCap?. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- Identifiers 2.0 after public RFC. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- TAPRegExt 1.1. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sydney October 2015.
- , 2015.
- Introducing datalink. Poster presented at the ADASS XXV, Sydney, October 2015.
- , 2015.
- IVOA Identifiers 2.0. IVOA Proposed Recommendation.
- , 2015.
- Introducing datalink. Talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft 2015, Kiel.
- , 2015.
- Reviving and extending pgsphere. Talk given at ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum 1, Strasbourg.
- , 2015.
- RegTAP – a New API to the VO Registry. In Taylor, A. R. and Rosolowsky, E., editors, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, volume 495 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 441.
- , 2015.
- Applause - digitaliserung von astronomischen photoplatten. Talk given at Fachkonferenz ``Langzeitzugriff'' from Naturkundemuseum Berlin.
- , 2015.
- Provenance data model. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sesto June 2015.
- , 2015.
- ADQL extensions implementation. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sesto June 2015.
- , 2015.
- Axes lengths considered harmful. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sesto June 2015.
- , 2015.
- Registry interfaces, now 1.1. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sesto June 2015.
- , 2015.
- Locating TAP tables and services. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sesto June 2015.
- , 2015.
- RFC 3986+IVOA = Identifiers 2. Talk given at IVOA Interop Sesto June 2015.
- , 2015.
- Client interfaces to the Virtual Observatory Registry. Astronomy and Computing, 11 pp. 91-101.
- , 2015.
- IVOA DataLink Version 1.0. Dowler, P., editor. IVOA Recommendation 17 June 2015, eprint 1509.06152.
- , 2015.
- CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. III. Second public data release. A&A, 576 pp. A135, eprint 1409.8302.
- , 2015.
- Introduction to simulation databases. Workshop for teachers at Seminar “100 Jahre Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie” March 2015.
- , 2015.
- VO-DML: a consistent modeling language for IVOA data models. IVOA Working Draft 06 February 2015.
- , 2015.
- The IVOATeX document preparation system. IVOA Note.
Bibliogaphy for 2014 in BibTeX
- , 2014.
- The virtual observatory registry. Astronomy and Computing, 7 pp. 101-107, eprint 1407.3083.
- , 2014.
- Virtual observatory publishing with DaCHS. Astronomy and Computing, 7 pp. 27-36, eprint 1408.5733.
- , 2014.
- Spectroscopic analysis in the virtual observatory environment with SPLAT-VO. Astronomy and Computing, 7 pp. 108-120, eprint 1407.1765.
- , 2014.
- RAVE radial velocities with topcat and aladin. GAVO Tutorial, IVOA Education SVN repository, first version, October 2014.
- , 2014.
- Async AccessData. Talk given at IVOA Interop Banff October 2014.
- , 2014.
- Update on registering data collections. Talk given at IVOA Interop Banff October 2014.
- , 2014.
- Recent developments in provenance. Talk given at IVOA Interop Banff October 2014.
- , 2014.
- IVOA registry relational schema, version 1.0. IVOA Recommendation.
- , 2014.
- Introduction to simulation databases using CosmoSim. GAVO Tutorial, IVOA Education SVN repository, first version, September 2014.
- , 2014.
- Explore halo mergers – with simulation databases. Postcard-sized flyer with mini-tutorial, September 2014, GAVO webpage.
- , 2014.
- Astropy and the VO. Talk given at AG Tagung Bamberg September 2014.
- , 2014.
- EPN-TAP via DaCHS. Talk given at Europlanet 2014, Estoril, Portugal.
- , 2014.
- Clues data in the CosmoSim database. Talk at CLUES workshop, Potsdam, August 2014.
- , 2014.
- CosmoSim database for cosmological simulations. Newsletter at AIP webpage.
- , 2014.
- The virtual observatory service TheoSSA: Establishing a database of synthetic stellar flux standards . II. NLTE spectral analysis of the OB-type subdwarf Feige 110. A&A, 566 pp. A3, eprint 1404.2446.
- , 2014.
- TAP implementation notes. Talk given at the IVOA Interop Madrid May 2014.
- , 2014.
- Flexible datalink-based access data services. Talk given at the IVOA Interop Madrid May 2014.
- , 2014.
- RegTAP towards RFC. Talk given at the IVOA Interop Madrid May 2014.
- , 2014.
- Special IVORNs: standardId, DID. Talk given at the IVOA Interop Madrid May 2014.
- , 2014.
- Units in the VO. IVOA Recommendation 23 May 2014.
- , 2014.
- Distributed databases with mariadb and spider engine. Talk given at the IVOA Interop Madrid May 2014.
- , 2014.
- Provenance DM. Talk given at the IVOA Interop Madrid May 2014.
- , 2014.
- The DaCHS Multi-protocol VO Server. In Manset, N. and Forshay, P., editors, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIII, volume 485 of Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, page 309.
- , 2014.
- Cosadie data center census. Talk given at 3rd CoSADIE Technology Forum March 2014, Trieste, Italy.
- , 2014.
- Datalink. Talk given at 3rd CoSADIE Technology Forum March 2014, Trieste, Italy.
- , 2014.
- Morality and echelle spectra. Talk given at 3rd CoSADIE Technology Forum March 2014, Trieste, Italy.
- , 2014.
- Database and VO developments at AIP. Talk given at 3rd CoSADIE Technology Forum March 2014, Trieste, Italy.
- , 2014.
- Publishing Scanned Plates Using DaCHS. In Astroplate 2014, page 44.
- , 2014.
- The VO and why it matters. Talk given at ASTRON, Dwingeloo, 12 Feb 2014.
- , 2014.
- SPLAT-VO: Spectral Analysis Tool for the Virtual Observatory. Astrophysics Source Code Library, eprint 1402.008.
- , 2014.
- IVOA Recommendation: DALI: Data Access Layer Interface Version 1.0. ArXiv e-prints, eprint 1402.4750.
- , 2014.
- DaCHS versions 0.9 through 0.9.3. Software and Documentation.
- , 2014.
- IVOA DataLink. IVOA Working Draft, Proposed Recommendation (several versions).
See also Registred data center services updated since 2014-01-01
TAP Implementation Notes Version 1.0
Demleitner, M., Harrison, P., Taylor, M.: IVOA Note 13 December 2013.
Das Virtuelle Observatorium
Rothmaier, F., BOGY-Praktikum at HdA and ARI Heidelberg, 2013-10-25
Datalink: The GAVO perspective
Demleitner, M., talk given at IVOA interop Waikoloa, 2013-09-26 through
2013-09-28 (in similar form also at Strasbourg CoSADIE tech forum
News on RegTAP
Demleitner, M., talk given at IVOA interop Waikoloa, 2013-09-26 through
2013-09-28 (in similar form also at Strasbourg CoSADIE tech forum
Data Access Layer Interface Version 1.0
Dowler, P., Demleitner, M., Taylor, M., Tody, D., IVOA Recommendation 29
November 2013
IVOA Registry Relational Schema Version 1.0
Demleitner, M., Harrison, P., Molinaro, M., Greene, G., Dowler, T.,
Perdikeas, M., IVOA Working Drafts November 3, September 9, and
April 11 2013
Digitising Astronomical Plates of the Heidelberg Königstuhl Archives
Rothmaier, F., Demleitner, M., talk given at the Humboldt Kolleg "Digitization of Heritage in Science", Sofia, Bulgaria, October 1-5, 2013
VOTable Format Definition, Version 1.3
Ochsenbein, F., ..., Demleitner, M., IVOA Recommendation 20 September
The DaCHS multi-protocol VOserver
Demleitner, M., Poster presented at ADASS XIII, Waikoloa, ASP Conf Ser.
in print
The virtual observatory service TheoSSA: Establishing a database of synthetic stellar flux standards. I. NLTE spectral analysis of the DA-type white dwarf G 191-B2B
Rauch, T., Bohlin, R., Kruk, J. W., & Werner, K.,
A&A, 560, A106
What is Publishing to the VO?
Demleitner, M., Talk given at the CoSADIE Data Center Forum, Heidelberg,
2013-06-10 through 2013-06-11
Das virtuelle Observatorium
Rothmaier, F., Demleitner, M., Vortrag an der Volkssternwarte
Schriesheim, 2013-03-08,
Notes 1 Notes 2
A New Web-Based Interface to the Relational Registry
Rothmaier, F., Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Heidelberg, 2013-05-12 through 2013-05-17
getData Implementation in SPLAT-VO
Castro Neves, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Heidelberg, 2013-05-12 through 2013-05-17
Spektralanalyse im Virtuellen Observatorium
Müller-Ringat, Ellen, dissertation, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, 2013-04-09
''UTypes: current usages and practices in the IVOA
Graham, M., Demleitner, M., and the Utypes Tiger Team, IVOA Note 13 February 2013
RegTAP: A Relational Registry for the VO
Rothmaier, F., Demleitner, M., talk given at the CoSADIE Tech Forum One in Edinburgh, 2013-01-16
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. II. First public data release
Husemann, B.,..., Demleitner, M.: A&A 549, 87
“I can't publish my data“ -- lame excuses and some answers, Poster presented at AG-Tagung Tübingen, 24.-27.9.2013
The MultiDark Simulation Database
Riebe, K., Millennium Workshop, Garching, 17.12.2012
Accessing data archives via TAP and ADQL
Rothmaier, F., Fohlmeister, J., talk given at the VODay at AIP, 2012-11-07
Spectral Analysis in the Virtual Observatory (Poster, Proceedings Paper)
Rauch T., Reindl N., Ringat E.; presented at ADASS XXII, Champaign, Illinois, USA, November 4-8, 2012
MultiDark Simulation Database
Riebe, K., talk given at Cosmic Web Workshop at AIP, 2012-10-17; includes demo & example queries for hands-on session
Towards Registry Interfaces 2
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA Interop in Sao Paulo, 2012-10-25
Evolving the TAP stack
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA Interop in Sao Paulo, 2012-10-25
New Features in SPLAT-VO
Castro Neves, M., Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA Interop in Sao Paulo, 2012-10-25
Lemson, G., Bourges, L., Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA Interop in Sao Paulo, 2012-10-22
TAPRegExt: a VOResource Schema Extension for Describing TAP Services
Demleitner, M., Dowler, P., Plante, R., Rixon, G., Taylor, M., IVOA Recommendation 27 August 2012
Partl, A.: "A Fast Database for Large Observational or Simulation Datasets, IAU General Assembly 2012, 29.08.2012'' Partl, A., IAU General Assembly
Theoretical White Dwarf Spectra via the Internet: Quality Control (Poster, Proceedings Paper)
Ringat, E., Reindl, N.; presented at EUROWD12, Krakow, Poland, August 13-17 (2012).
GUMS-10 in the Virtual Observatory
Stöckle, G., Rothmaier, F., Jordan, S., Demleitner, M., talk given at the Gaia CU9 Tech Meeting at ARI, 2012-06-22.
The MultiDark Simulation Database
Riebe, K., CLUES Meeting, 17.06.2012
Debian Packaging for the Virtual Observatory
Rothmaier, F., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
A relational model for VOResource
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
The VO on RSS and Microblogs
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
SSAP getData -- or Datalink?
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
SSAP Seen From A 2012 Client
Demleitner, M., Castro-Neves, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
TAP evolution: examples and plan
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
DataCollections in Use
Demleitner, M., talk given at the IVOA interop in Urbana, 2012-05-20 through 2012-05-24
SSAP evolution 2012
Demleitner, M., Skoda, P., talk given at the 2nd AIDA Technology Forum, 9./10.5.2012
The /examples Endpoint for TAP Servers
Demleitner, M., Technical Report
Prediction of astrometric microlensing events during the Gaia mission
Proft, S., Demleitner, M., Wambsganss, J., A&A 536, p. 50
VRE for Cosmological Simulations; Components & Requirements
Enke, H.; Birmingham, Knowledge Exchange Workshop, 17/18.11.2011
MultiDark - Status and Future of the Database
Enke, H.; Matalascanas (Spain), Multidark Consolider Workshop, 2-4.11.2011
Whither ADQL (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M; talk given at IVOA Interop Pune, 2011-10-18
TAP in DaCHS (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Pune, 2011-10-19
TAPRegExt (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Pune, 2011-10-17
Tackling utypes (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Pune, 2011-10-19
Data Management und Data-Mining von kosmologischen Simulationen
Enke, H.; Symposium "Umgang mit Forschungsdaten", Potsdam, 10/2011
ADQL short course (course pages, HTML)
Demleitner, M; course given at AG-Tagung Heidelberg, 2011-09-23
The MultiDark Database
Partl, A. M.; Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft 2011, Heidelberg, 20.09.2011
The Collaborative SiMulation Metadata Management CoSiMM v2.0 (Talk, pdf)
Khalatyan, A.; Herbstagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft 2011, Heidelberg, 20.09.2011
VO - what for? (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M; talk given at AG-Tagung Heidelberg, 2011-09-20
The MultiDark Database: Release of the Bolshoi and MultiDark Cosmological Simulations
Riebe, K. et al.; arXiv:1109.0003, eingereicht bei A&A
The MultiDark Database
Partl, A. M.; CLUES Meeting, Brighton, 07. June 2011
Data Mining of the MultiDark Simulation
Partl, A. M.; talk presented at GREAT Astrostatistics and Data Mining Workshop, La Palma, 02. June 2011
Update: STC in VOTable
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Napoli, 2011-05-16
TAPRegExt (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Napoli, 2011-05-17
Remote Servers on the Command Line with Tapsh (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Napoli, 2011-05-17
VODataService: A Plea for Takeup (Notes, PDF)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at IVOA Interop Napoli, 2011-05-18
TAPRegExt -- a VOResource Schema Extension for Describing TAP Services (PDF)
Demleitner, M., Taylor, M., et al., IVOA Working Draft
Spectral Analysis via the Virtual Observatory: The Service TheoSSA (Poster, Proceedings Paper)
Ringat, E., Rauch, T., Werner, K.; presented at JENAM-2011, Saint Petersburg, July 4-8 (2011).
'Spectral Analysis within the Virtual Observatory: The GAVO Service TheoSSA (Poster, Proceedings Paper)
Ringat, E.; presented at sdOB5, Stellenbosch, July 25-29 (2011).
"DA-type White Dwarfs: Soft X-ray Standards for the Calibration of X-ray Instruments (Poster 44)''
Rauch, T. presented at The First eROSITA International Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, October 17-20 (2011)
"X-ray Model-Atmosphere Spectra of Extremely Hot, Compact White Dwarfs -- Access via the Virtual Observatory Service TheoSSA (Poster 45)''
Ringat, E., Rauch, T.; presented at The First eROSITA International Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, October 17-20 (2011)
IrOnIc: How to Consider Hundreds of Millions of Iron-Group Lines in NLTE Model-Atmosphere Calculations (Poster, Proceedings Paper)
Ringat, E.; presented at ADASS XXI, Paris, November 6-10 (2011).
Quality Control for Theoretical Data in the Virtual Observatory: Establishing Benchmark Tests for Synthetic Spectra (Poster, Proceedings Paper)
Rauch, T., Ringat, E.; presented at ADASS XXI, Paris, November 6-10 (2011).
MultiDark Simulation Database DR 1
Partl, A. M.; talk at MultiDark Workshop, Madrid, April 2011
As if you were there (Talk, pdf)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Sept 13-17, Bonn.
Slides (pdf),
Notes (pdf)
Virtual Research Environment for CLUES (Talk, pdf, 5.1 MB)
Riebe, K. and Khalatyan, A.; talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft 09/2010
How to deploy a parameter study in AstroGrid-D (Talk, pdf, 2.8 MB)
Stöckle, G.; talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Sept 13-17, Bonn.
Theoretical White Dwarf Spectra on Demand: TheoSSA (Poster, pdf)
Ringat, E.; presented at the EUROWD10, Tübingen, August 16-20 (2010).
Spectral Analyses Of The Hottest White Dwarfs: Grids Of Spectral Energy Distributions For Extremely Hot, Compact Stars In The Framework Of The Virtual Observatory (Proceedings Paper)
Rauch, T., Ringat, E., Werner, K.; presented at the Physics of Accreting Compact Binaries Conference, Kyoto, Japan (2010).
Un progetto didattico per le scuole secondarie: EuroVO-AIDA/WP5 (Article, pdf)
Iafrate, G.; Ramella, M.; Boch, T.; Bonnarel, F.; Chéreau, F.; Fernique, P.; Freistetter, F.
Giornale di Astronomia, 31 (2010), Journal
Referencing STC in VOTable, Version 2.0
Demleitner, M., Ochsenbein, F., McDowell, J., and Rots, A.; IVOA Note.
ADQL (Talk, pdf)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg; 2010
Slides (pdf), Notes (pdf) and a link sheet (html) saving you the effort of manually typing in the examples.
The PPMXL Catalog of Positions and Proper Motions on the ICRS. Combining USNO-B1.0 and the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) (Article, html)
Roeser, S.; Demleitner, M.; Schilbach, E.;
AJ 139, 2440 (2010)
AstroWISE: An e-science Project for large Surveys. (Talk, pdf)
Heraudeau, Ph.; talk given at Herbsttagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Sept 13-17, Bonn.
X-ray Substructure Studies of Four Galaxy Clusters using XMM-Newton Data (Article, pdf)
Zhang, Y.-Y.; Reiprich, T. H.; Finoguenov, A.; Hudson; D. S.; Sarazin; C. L.;
ApJ 699, 1178 (2009).
TheoSSA on AstroGrid-D (Talk, ppt)
Nickelt, I.; Rauch, T., Enke, H.;
4th EGEE user Forum, Catania, March 2-5 (2010)
Slides (pdf)
CDM predictions for galaxy protoclusters - I. The relation between galaxies, protoclusters and quasars at z ~ 6 (Article, html)
Overzier, Roderik A.; Guo, Qi; Kauffmann, Guinevere; De Lucia, Gabriella; Bouwens, Rychard; Lemson, Gerard
MNRAS 394, 577 (2009)
Resolving cosmic structure formation with the Millennium-II Simulation (Article, html)
Boylan-Kolchin, Michael; Springel, Volker; White, Simon D. M.; Jenkins, Adrian; Lemson, Gerard
MNRAS 398, 1150 (2009)
Cosmic cartography of the large-scale structure with Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 6 (Article, html)
Kitaura, Francisco S.; Jasche, Jens; Li, Cheng; Enß;lin, Torsten A.; Metcalf, R. Benton; Wandelt, Benjamin D.; Lemson, Gerard; White, Simon D. M
MNRAS 400, 183 (2009)
The Virtual Observatory (Talk, pdf)
Demleitner, M.; talk given at Sternwarte Hamburg, 2009;
Slides (pdf), Notes (pdf).
STC in VOTable (Talk, pdf)
Demleitner, M.;
IVOA Interop Garching, 2009-11-09 through 2009-11-12; Slides (pdf), Notes (pdf).
e-Science splinter meeting at the AG-Tagung 2009, Potsdam, September 21-25
- Lemson, G.: GAVO: Mining the (real and virtual) Universe (Talk, ppt)
- Nickelt, I.: Carte du Ciel: Digitising Historical Astronomical Data (Talk, ppt)
- Demleitner, M.: The GAVO Data Center (Talk, pdf), Slides (pdf), Notes (pdf)
Mining Virtual Universes (Talk, pdf)
Lemson, G.; invited talk given at IDIES 2009.
Spectral Analysis in the VO Δ (Talk, ppt)
Rauch, T.; Nickelt, I.;
Multiwavelength-Astronomy & VO, Villafranca (Madrid), December 1-3
In-depth CHANDRA Study of the AGN Feedback in Virgo Elliptical Galaxy M84 (Article, pdf)
Finoguenov, A.; Ruszkowski, M.; Jones, C.; Brüggen, M.; Vikhlinin, A.; Mandel, E.;
ApJ 686, 911 (2008).
VO Software for the Spectral Analysis of Hot Stars Δ (Talk, pdf)
Rauch, T.; Nickelt, I.; Koesterke, L.
ADASS XVIII, Quebec, November 2 - 5, 2008.
GAVO III: The Virtual Observatory in Operation (Poster, pdf)
Nickelt, I. et al.; Poster at
AG-Herbsttagung 2008 / JENAM, Wien, September 8 - 12, 2008''
Non-LTE Spectral Analysis of Extremely Hot Post-AGB Stars: Constraints for Evolutionary Theory (Article, pdf)
Rauch, T. et al.;
IAUS 252 The Art of Modelling Stars in the 21st Century, April 6 - 11, 2008
GPU-Based Interactive Visualization of Billion Point Cosmological Simulations (Article, html)
Szalay, Tamas; Springel, Volker; Lemson, Gerard
2008 Microsoft eScience conference
The Varied Fates of z ~ 2 Star-forming Galaxies (Article, html)
Conroy, Charlie; Shapley, Alice E.; Tinker, Jeremy L.; Santos, Michael R.; Lemson, Gerard
2008, ApJ, 679, 1192
Quantifying the cosmic web - I. The large-scale halo ellipticity-ellipticity and ellipticity-direction correlations (Article, html)
Lee, Jounghun; Springel, Volker; Pen, Ue-Li; Lemson, Gerard
2008, MNRAS 389, 1266
Data Center: Lessons we learned (Lecture notes, pdf, 70KB)
Demleitner, M.; EuroVO DCA Workshop 2008, ESO, 23-27 June 2008
Stellaris - A central grid component for metadata and VO connection (Talk, ppt, 1.1 MB)
Nickelt, I.; EuroVO-DCA Grid Workshop,
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching (Germany), April 2008
How to use the VO from IDL (Talk, pdf, 400 KB)
Nickelt, I.; Sofia VO workshop 2008, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, January 2008
The German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO): Archives and Applications, Status and Services (Article, html)
Demleitner, Markus; Gufler, Benjamin; Kim, Jaiwon; Lemson, Gerard; Nickelt-Czycykowski, Iliya; Rauch, Thomas; Stampa, Ulrike; Steinmetz, Matthias; Voges, Wolfgang; Wambsganss, Joachim
Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, 713 (2007)
Bursty stellar populations and obscured active galactic nuclei in galaxy bulges (Article, html)
Wild, V., Kauffmann, G., Heckman, T., Charlot, S., Lemson, G., Brinchmann, J., Reichard, T. & Pasquali, A.
MNRAS, 381, 543 (2007)
Identification of Ne VIII lines in H-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs: a new tool to constrain the temperature of the hottest stars (Article, pdf)
Werner, K., Rauch, T., & Kruk, J. W.
A&A, 474, 591 (2007)
High-resolution FUSE and HST ultraviolet spectroscopy of the white dwarf central star of Sh 2-216 (Article, pdf)
Rauch T., Werner, K., Ziegler, M., Kruk, J.W., & Oliveira, C. M
A&A, 470, 317 (2007)
Spectral Analysis of Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae (pdf)
Rauch et al.
Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae IV, June 18-22 2007
HST Spectroscopy of the Hottest White Dwarfs (pdf)
Rauch, T. & Werner, K.
41st ESLAB Symposium: The Impact of HST on European Astronomy, May 28 - June 1 2007
Discovery of photospheric argon in very hot central stars of planetary nebulae and white dwarfs (Article, pdf)
Werner, K., Rauch, T., & Kruk, J. W.
A&A, 466, 317 (2007)
GAVO-II and the RAVE survey spectral database (Article, pdf)
Nickelt, I., Enke, H.
ESAC conference March 2007, proceedings (in print)
GAVO Tools for the Analysis of Stars and Nebulae (Article, pdf)
Rauch, T.
ESAC conference March 2007, proceedings (in print)
The VO, in Germany and abroad (Talk, ppt, 14 MB)
Kaffeerunde MPE, November 2007
Digitizing Astronomical Plates of Heidelberg Königstuhl Archives (Article, html)
Krautter, Joachim; Mundt, Reinhard
80th Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Würzburg, Germany, September 2007
GAVO-II and the RAVE survey spectral database (Poster, pdf)
Nickelt, I.; presented at
ESAC Spectroscopy & VO conference San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, March 2007
The German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) (Talk, ppt, 6 MB)
Lemson, G.; Voge1, W.; Wambsganss, J.; GAVO team
GES 2007, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2007
Analysing Cosmological Simulations in the Virtual Observatory: Designing and Mining the Millennium Simulation Database (Talk, ppt, 20 MB)
DAC07, Santander, Spain, 2007, invited talk
Analysis of Characterisation in Domain Model Context (Talk, ppt, 1.8 MB)
IVOA interop meeting, Beijing, China, May 2007
Millennium Database: Overview and some first usage experiences (Talk, ppt, 5.8 MB)
IVOA interop meeting, Beijing, China, May 2007
Halo and Galaxy Formation Histories from the Millennium Simulation: Public release of a VO-oriented and SQL-queryable database for studying the evolution of galaxies in the LambdaCDM cosmogony (Article, html)
G.Lemson and the Virgo Consortium
Radio-loud Narrow-Line Type 1 Quasars (Article, html)
Komossa, Stefanie et al.
The Astronomical Journal, Volume 132, Issue 2, pp. 531-545
The Radio-Loud Narrow-Line Quasar SDSS J172206.03+565451.6 (Article, html)
Komossa, Stefanie et al
The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 639, Issue 2, pp. 710-715.
Dissemination of Simulations in the Virtual Observatory (Talk, ppt, 13 MB)
Microsoft eScience Workshop at The Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Oct 2006, invited talk
Databases@MPA, access methods and plans (Talk, ppt)
MAGPOP meeting, Toledo, Spain, Feb 2007
Euro-VO DCA WP4 and GAVO and (a little) AstroGrid-D (Talk, ppt, 3.8 MB)
Meeting of Euro-VO DCA WP5, Trieste, Italy, Nov 2006
Theory in the German Astrophysical VO (Poster, ppt, 2.8 MB)
IAU 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
The GAVO Cross-Matcher Application (Article, html)
Adorf, H.-M.; Lemson, G.; Voges, W.
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 351, Proceedings of the Conference Held 2-5 October 2005 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. Edited by Carlos Gabriel, Christophe Arviset, Daniel Ponz, and Enrique Solano. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006., p.695
The GAVO Cross-Matcher Application (Poster, ppt)
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XV, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain,
October 2005
Cosmological Simulations in a Relational Database: Modelling and Storing Merger Trees (Article, html)
Lemson, G.; Springel, V.
Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV ASP Conference Series, Vol. 351, Proceedings of the Conference Held 2-5 October 2005 in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain. Edited by Carlos Gabriel, Christophe Arviset, Daniel Ponz, and Enrique Solano. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2006., p.212
Cosmological simulations in a relational database: modelling and storing merger trees (Poster, ppt)
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XV, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain,
October 2005
GAVO - Matcher presentation at EUROVO-Workshop (Talk, ppt)
München, June 2005
Theory in the Virtual Observatory (Talk, ppt, 1.7 MB)
Ringberg, Germany 2005
Detection of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies by Matching RASS Photons and SDSS Galaxies within GAVO (Article, html)
Schuecker, p.; Böhringer, H.; Voges, W.
Astron. Astrophys. 420, 61 (2004)
Datenstrom-Management für e-Science mit StreamGlobe (Article, pdf, 892 KB)
Kuntschke, R.; Stegmaier, B.; Häuslschmid, F.; Reiser, A.; Kemper, A.; Adorf, H.-M.; Enke, H.; Lemson, G.; Voges, W.
Datenbank-Spektrum, Vol. 4, No. 11, November 2004 (accepted for publication)
Assembly and Classification of Spectral Energy Distributions – A new VO Web Service (Article, html)
Adorf, H.-M.; Kerber, F.; Lemson, G.; Mignani, R.; Micol, A.; Rauch, T.; Voges, W.
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XIV, November 2004, Pasadena, USA
GAVO - Overview and Results so far (Talk, ppt)
München, February 2004
GAVO after one year (Talk, ppt)
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis (ADA) III Sant'Agata sui due Golfi, Italy,
April/May 2004
Model based schema - Unified domain model for Astronomy (Talk, ppt)
IVOA Registry video conference, May 13-14, 2004
Gadget on GAVOGRID (Talk, ppt)
AEI Clustertag, May 2004
Unified domain model for Astronomy (Talk, ppt)
IVOA Interoperability Meeting, Data Modeling Session, May 2004
Computational and statistical problems for the Virtual Observatory (Talk, ppt)
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, June 3, 2004
ClusterFinder (Talk, ppt)
AIP Beirat, Potsdam, October 2004
ClusterFinder (Poster, ps)
AIP Beirat, Potsdam, October 2004
Assembly and Classification of Spectral Energy Distributions - A new VO Web Service (Poster, ppt)
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XIV, Pasadena, CA, October 2004
Theory in the VO (whitepaper, pdf)
Whitetaper, Lemson, G. & Colberg, K, 2004
Astronomical Catalogues - Simultaneous Quering and Matching (Article, html)
Adorf, H.-M.; Lemson, G.; Voges, W.; Enke, H.; Steinmetz, M.
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, Strasbourg
A Unified Domain Model for Astronomy (Article, html)
Gerard Lemson, Patrick Dowler, Anthony J. Banday
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, Strasbourg
GAVO-Poster, IAU 2003 (Poster, pdf)
IAU, Sydney
Astronomical Catalogues - Simultaneous Quering and Matching (Poster, pdf)
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, Strasbourg, France, 12.-15. October 2003
Unified Domain Model (Poster, ps)
Conf. Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII, Strasbourg, France, 12.-15. October 2003
Astronomie mit Großgeräten (Talk, ppt)
Potsdam Workshop, October 2003\\